Lyondell Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2005 Results
Full-Year 2005 Highlights

HOUSTON, Jan. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Lyondell Chemical Company (NYSE: LYO) today announced net income for the fourth quarter 2005 of $141 million, or 54 cents per share on a fully diluted basis. This compares with net income of $16 million, or 8 cents per share, for the fourth quarter 2004, and net income of $10 million, or 4 cents per share, for the third quarter 2005. For the full year 2005, Lyondell had net income of $531 million, or $2.04 per share, compared with 2004 net income of $54 million, or 29 cents per share.

   Table 1 - Lyondell Earnings Summary

   Millions of dollars
    except per share        4Q        4Q        3Q     Full Year  Full Year
    amounts                2005    2004 (A)    2005       2005     2004 (A)

  Sales and other
   operating revenues     $5,000    $2,389    $4,790    $18,606     $5,946
  Net income                 141        16        10        531         54
  Basic earnings
   per share                0.57      0.08      0.04       2.16       0.29
  Diluted earnings
   per share (B)            0.54      0.08      0.04       2.04       0.29
  Basic weighted average
   shares outstanding
   (millions)              246.7     200.5     246.5      245.9      183.2
  Diluted weighted average
   shares outstanding
   (millions) (B)          260.3     207.7     260.4      260.0      186.0

   (A)  Results include the operations of Equistar and Millennium
        prospectively from December 1, 2004.  Prior to December 1, 2004,
        Lyondell's 70.5% interest in Equistar was accounted for as an equity
   (B)  Includes the dilutive effect of the convertible debentures, stock
        options and warrants.

Year-to-year profit improvements were driven by strong performance in the ethylene and propylene oxide segments coupled with the full-year ownership of Millennium Chemicals. This strength was partially offset by a decline in Lyondell-Citgo Refining's (LCR) results, which were impacted by maintenance early in the year and hurricane-related damage and outages in the fourth quarter.

  Results reflect the following:

  Millions of dollars         4Q        4Q       3Q     Full Year  Full Year
   (pre-tax)                 2005      2004     2005      2005       2004
  Debt refinancing and
   early payment             $17       $12       $6       $45         $18
  Mutual insurance
   consortia losses           12        12       30        56          12
  Hurricane (estimated
   lost production)          75(A)     ---    75-100(A)  150-175(A)   ---
  Lake Charles TDI plant
   shutdown                   24       ---       195       219        ---
  In-process Research &
   Development               ---        64       ---       ---         64

   (A)  Represents Lyondell's percentage of LCR's estimated lost production
        of $130 million.

"Much as expected, overall business conditions followed the strengthening trend established in late 2004, resulting in strong earnings improvement," said Dan F. Smith, president and CEO of Lyondell Chemical Company. "Tight industry conditions were apparent in ethylene, propylene oxide and fuel components, all of which achieved very strong margins at various points during 2005. Despite the hurricanes and record-high raw material costs, our portfolio produced strong earnings and cash flow, enabling us to reduce debt by $1.36 billion during the year."


At this time, industry operations have largely recovered from the disruptions of the 2005 hurricane season, and ethylene industry pricing is adjusting to a more balanced global supply and demand situation. After some pullback in December and January, there are signs of demand improvement, and a return to positive price momentum in a number of product areas is expected as early as February. Propylene oxide (PO) and PO derivatives markets have remained solid, while MTBE margins are at typical seasonal levels. Titanium dioxide volumes also have been strong, and LCR has operated at full capacity.

"We enter 2006 with both a positive global economic outlook and strong business conditions for the majority of our products. Ethylene, PO and PO derivatives, inorganic chemicals and LCR are all positioned for a strong year. However, 2006 represents a question mark for MTBE. On one hand, MTBE may benefit from continued tight refining conditions, while on the other U.S. refiners may choose to no longer use MTBE despite the obvious value that it brings to a structurally short gasoline pool," added Smith. "We have prepared ourselves for either outcome.

"Operationally, our assets are running well; neither our ethylene facilities nor the LCR refinery have scheduled maintenance turnarounds, and our inventories are low. Financially, we are more than halfway to our debt reduction target, and our focus continues to be the application of excess cash toward debt reduction and the improvement of our balance sheet. In summary, our outlook for the year is very positive and we believe 2006 results will exceed 2005."


Lyondell operates in four segments: 1) Ethylene, co-products and derivatives; 2) Propylene oxide (PO) and related products; 3) Inorganic Chemicals; and 4) Refining, which includes Lyondell's 58.75 percent ownership of LCR, a joint venture with CITGO Petroleum Corp.

Ethylene, Co-products and Derivatives Segment - The primary products of this segment are ethylene, ethylene co-products (propylene, butadiene and benzene), and derivatives of ethylene (polyethylene, ethylene oxygenates and vinyl acetate monomer or VAM). Lyondell acquired Millennium on November 30, 2004; Millennium's acetyls products are included in this segment.

   Table 2 - Ethylene, Co-Products & Derivatives Financial Overview (A)

   Millions of dollars      4Q        4Q        3Q     Full Year   Full Year
                           2005     2004(B)    2005       2005      2004(B)
  Sales and other
   operating revenues     $3,380    $2,816    $2,988    $12,191     $9,316
  Operating income           337       210        21        950        494
  EBITDA ©                 438       290       116      1,334        809

   (A)  See Table 6 for additional segment information.
   (B)  For periods prior to January 1, 2005, the Ethylene, Co-Products and
        Derivatives information represents the historical operating results
        of Equistar on a 100% basis.
   ©  See Table 9 for reconciliations of segment EBITDA to net income of
        Lyondell and Equistar, respectively.

The following discussion addresses business results independent of ownership.

4Q05 v. 3Q05 - Ethylene and ethylene derivative product sales volumes were relatively unchanged versus the third quarter 2005. Average prices for the key products increased by 7 cents to 18 cents per pound, led by ethylene and polyethylene, which increased by 15 cents and 18 cents per pound, respectively. The company's cost-of-ethylene-production metric (COE) increased by approximately 1 cent per pound versus the third quarter. Essentially all of this increase is attributed to the higher price of natural- gas-based raw materials. Acetyls results declined as price increases did not fully offset higher natural gas and ethylene costs.

4Q05 v. 4Q04 - Ethylene and ethylene derivative sales volumes decreased by approximately 285 million pounds. The quarterly average price of ethylene and polyethylene increased by 17 cents to 18 cents per pound, while the average ethylene glycol price decreased approximately 3 cents per pound. The company's COE metric increased by approximately 7 cents per pound primarily due to increased costs for natural-gas-based raw materials. Increased co- product prices largely offset a $9-per-barrel increase in crude oil-based raw material costs.

2005 v. 2004 - Ethylene and ethylene derivative sales volumes decreased by 660 million pounds. The average annual price of ethylene and polyethylene increased by 9 cents and 13 cents per pound, respectively, while ethylene glycol increased by 3 cents per pound. The company's COE metric increased by approximately 4 cents per pound. The cost of natural-gas-based raw materials accounted for the majority of the increase.

PO and Related Products Segment - The principal products of the PO and related products segment include PO, PO derivatives (propylene glycol, propylene glycol ethers, butanediol and butanediol derivatives), styrene, MTBE and toluene diisocyanate (TDI).

   Table 3 - PO & Related Products Financial Overview (A)

   Millions of dollars      4Q        4Q        3Q     Full Year   Full Year
                           2005      2004      2005       2005       2004
  Sales and other
   operating revenues     $1,645    $1,427    $1,843     $6,568     $4,984
  Operating income
   (loss) (B)                 35       (34)       65        316         48
  EBITDA (B) ©             104        39       321        757        313

   (A)  See Table 6 for additional segment information.
   (B)  Operating income for the third quarter and full year 2005 included
        charges of $195 million related to shutdown of the Lake Charles,
        Louisiana, toluene diisocyanate plant, which are excluded from
   ©  See Table 9 for a reconciliation of segment EBITDA to net income of

4Q05 v. 3Q05 - Fourth-quarter 2005 operations were negatively impacted by a reduction of approximately $220 million in MTBE profitability as margins returned to typical seasonal levels during November and December after benefiting from extremely strong third-quarter margins. Average MTBE raw material margins declined by approximately 95 cents per gallon from the third quarter. PO and PO derivative product results were relatively unchanged as stronger volumes and prices were offset by increased raw material and natural gas costs. Styrene margins increased, improving results by approximately $15 million. TDI results were unchanged as improved business results were offset by costs of approximately $24 million related to shutdown of the Lake Charles TDI facility.

4Q05 v. 4Q04 - Versus the year-ago quarter, MTBE results improved by approximately $50 million, primarily due to strong October margins. PO and PO derivative results improved by approximately $20 million based on stronger margins. Combined styrene and TDI results were relatively unchanged as styrene results improved slightly and TDI results declined as a result of Lake Charles TDI shutdown costs.

2005 v. 2004 - Higher margins led to an approximate $325 million increase in MTBE results. PO and PO derivative product results improved by approximately $200 million, based on stronger margins as price increases more than offset a 9-cents-per-pound increase in raw material (propylene) prices. Styrene results were relatively unchanged. TDI performance fell by approximately $65 million due to lower margins and costs associated with the Lake Charles TDI shutdown.

Inorganic Chemicals Segment - The principal product of the inorganic chemicals segment is titanium dioxide (TiO2). Lyondell acquired Millennium, including this business, on November 30, 2004.

   Table 4 - Inorganic Chemicals Financial Overview (A)

   Millions of dollars       4Q        4Q        3Q    Full Year   Full Year
                            2005     2004(B)    2005      2005       2004(B)
  Sales and other
   operating revenues       $355       $97      $345     $1,360        $97
  Operating income
   (loss) ©                 (3)        6       (16)        18          6
  EBITDA © (D)              26        15         3        128         15

   (A)  See Table 6 for additional segment information.
   (B)  Includes the Inorganic Chemicals segment prospectively from
        December 1, 2004.
   ©  Operating income (loss) included impairment charges of $7 million
        and $3 million for the fourth and third quarters of 2005,
        respectively, and $15 million for 2005 that are excluded from
   (D)  See Table 9 for a reconciliation of segment EBITDA to net income of

The following discussion addresses the inorganics business independent of ownership.

4Q05 v. 3Q05 - Sales volumes were relatively unchanged at 162,000 metric tons while the average sales price increased by approximately $10 per metric ton. U.S. product prices increased by approximately $65 per metric ton, but were largely offset by dollar-based price declines outside the United States. Versus the third quarter, results were impacted by record high natural gas costs in the United States and the U.K.

4Q05 v. 4Q04 - Sales volumes were approximately 22,000 metric tons higher than the year-ago quarter while dollar-based prices were approximately $30 per metric ton higher. North and South American price increases were partially offset by lower European prices. Production costs increased due to higher raw material and natural gas costs coupled with plant reliability issues in the fourth quarter 2005.

2005 v. 2004 - Versus 2004, sales volumes declined by 47,000 metric tons, or 7 percent, in line with overall industry trends. Prices increased by approximately $180 per metric ton, but this was partially offset by higher raw material and natural gas costs. Finished product inventories were reduced significantly during 2005; however, due to high inventory-carrying values, sales from inventory did not significantly contribute to profits but did generate significant cash flow.

Refining Segment - Lyondell owns a 58.75 percent interest in LCR, a major refiner of heavy crude oil. This position is accounted for on the equity method.

   Table 5 - Refining Financial Overview - 100% Basis (A)

   Millions of dollars      4Q        4Q        3Q     Full Year   Full Year
                           2005      2004      2005       2005        2004
  Sales and other
   operating revenues     $1,440    $1,564    $2,202     $6,741     $5,603
  Operating income
   (loss)                    (23)      165       100        232        516
  EBITDA (B)                   7       193       130        348        645

   (A)  The Refining segment information presented above represents the
        historical operating results of LCR on a 100% basis.  See Table 6
        for additional segment information.
   (B)  See Table 9 for a reconciliation of segment EBITDA to net income of

4Q05 v. 3Q05 - Results declined significantly due to fluid catalytic cracking unit downtime and subsequent refinery crude rate reductions related to Hurricane Rita. Total crude consumption averaged 169,000 barrels per day, a decline of 76,000 barrels per day versus the third quarter and 99,000 barrels per day less than operating capacity. Venezuelan contract (CSA) crude volumes averaged 146,000 barrels per day while spot crude averaged 23,000 barrels per day. Results were further negatively impacted by increased natural gas costs, the majority of which will be offset over time by adjustments in the CSA contract factors.

4Q05 v. 4Q04 - Business drivers and the analysis of results are similar to the comparison to third-quarter 2005 results presented in the previous paragraph.

2005 v. 2004 - LCR results declined significantly from record 2004 earnings. Reduced crude oil consumption related to second-quarter maintenance and Hurricane Rita were the primary drivers of the shortfall. These events led to a 48,000 barrel-per-day decline in total crude consumption in 2005 versus 2004. Increased natural gas prices and lower aromatic margins also pressured results, but were more than offset by an $8-per-barrel increase in spot crude margins.

Cash Distributions and Debt Reduction

LCR to Lyondell Chemical Company - During the fourth quarter 2005, Lyondell Chemical Company made a net contribution to LCR of $12 million. During 2005, net distributions received were $175 million versus $341 million in 2004.

Equistar to Lyondell Chemical Company and Millennium - During the fourth quarter 2005, Lyondell Chemical Company received $176 million of distributions from Equistar, and for the full year 2005 distributions to Lyondell Chemical Company were $511 million. Millennium received $74 million from Equistar during the fourth quarter and $214 million during 2005. During 2004, Equistar distributions to its owners totaled $315 million.

Millennium to Lyondell Chemical Company - There were no dividends paid by Millennium to Lyondell Chemical Company during 2005.

Debt reduction - During the fourth quarter 2005, Lyondell paid $422 million toward debt reduction, of which $22 million was Millennium debt. For the full year 2005, Lyondell paid $1.36 billion toward debt reduction, including $259 million of Millennium debt.


Lyondell will host a conference call today, Jan. 26, 2006, at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET). Participating on the call will be: Dan F. Smith, President and CEO; Morris Gelb, Executive Vice President and COO; T. Kevin DeNicola, Senior Vice President and CFO; and Doug Pike, Vice President of Investor Relations. The dial-in numbers are 888-391-2385 (U.S. - toll free) and 517-645-6239 (international). The passcode for each is Lyondell. The call will be broadcast live on the Investor Relations page of the company's web site, .

A replay of the call will be available from 1:30 p.m. ET Jan. 26 to 6 p.m. ET on Feb. 3. The dial-in numbers are 866-490-2543 (U.S.) and 203-369-1699 (international). The passcode for each is 5549. Web replay will be available at 2:30 p.m. ET Jan. 26 on the Investor Relations page of the company's web site, .

Reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures, together with any other applicable disclosures, including this earnings release, will be available at 11:30 a.m. ET Jan. 26 at .


Lyondell Chemical Company, headquartered in Houston, Texas, is North America's third-largest independent, publicly traded chemical company. Lyondell is a major global manufacturer of basic chemicals and derivatives including ethylene, propylene, titanium dioxide, styrene, polyethylene, propylene oxide and acetyls. It also is a significant producer of gasoline blending components. The company has a 58.75 percent interest in Lyondell- Citgo Refining LP, a refiner of heavy, high-sulfur crude oil. As a result of Lyondell's November 30, 2004 acquisition of Millennium Chemicals Inc., Millennium and Equistar Chemicals, LP are wholly owned subsidiaries of Lyondell. Lyondell is a global company operating on five continents and employs approximately 10,000 people worldwide.


The statements in this release and the related teleconference relating to matters that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management, and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially based on factors including, but not limited to, availability, cost and price volatility of raw materials and utilities; supply/demand balances; industry production capacities and operating rates; cyclical nature of the chemical and refining industries; operating interruptions; uncertainties associated with the U.S. and worldwide economies; current and potential governmental regulatory actions; terrorist acts; international political unrest; competitive products and pricing; risks of doing business outside of the U.S.; legal, tax and environmental proceedings; access to capital markets; technological developments; and other risk factors. Additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in the Lyondell, Equistar and Millennium Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004, the Lyondell, Equistar and Millennium Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2005, and the Lyondell, Equistar and Millennium Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005, which will be filed with the SEC in March 2006.

  Table 6 - Selected Unaudited Segment Financial Information (A)

                                          For the               For the
                                        three months         twelve months
                                           ended                 ended
                                 December 31,  September 30,  December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)          2005    2004     2005        2005    2004
  Sales and other operating
   revenues (B)
  Ethylene, Co-Products &
   Derivatives                  $3,380  $2,816   $2,988     $12,191 $9,316
  PO & Related Products          1,645   1,427    1,843       6,568  4,984
  Inorganic Chemicals              355      97      345       1,360     97
  Refining                       1,440   1,564    2,202       6,741  5,603

  Operating income (loss)
  Ethylene, Co-Products &
   Derivatives                    $337    $210      $21        $950   $494
  PO & Related Products ©         35     (34)      65         316     48
  Inorganic Chemicals (D)           (3)      6      (16)         18      6
  Refining                         (23)    165      100         232    516

  Depreciation and amortization
  Ethylene, Co-Products &
   Derivatives                    $102     $79      $95        $388   $313
  PO & Related Products             58      63       59         235    249
  Inorganic Chemicals               22       8       26          98      8
  Refining                          30      28       30         116    115

  Ethylene, Co-Products &
   Derivatives                    $438    $290     $116      $1,334   $809
  PO & Related Products ©        104      39      321         757    313
  Inorganic Chemicals (D)           26      15        3         128     15
  Refining                           7     193      130         348    645

  Capital expenditures
  Ethylene, Co-Products &
   Derivatives                     $52     $32      $34        $155   $101
  PO & Related Products              8      13        6          36     49
  Inorganic Chemicals               21       5       13          53      5
  Refining                          55      29       38         176     71

  (A)  The EC&D data for periods prior to January 1, 2005 represents
       Equistar results on a 100% basis.  Prior to December 1, 2004,
       Equistar was accounted for as an equity investment.  See Table 14 for
       additional Equistar financial information.  See Table 8 for a
       reconciliation of segment information for the year ended
       December 31, 2005 to consolidated Lyondell financial information.
       See Table 10 for PO and Related Products data for the year ended
       December 31, 2005.  The Refining information presented above
       represents the historical operating results of LCR on a 100% basis.
       See Table 20 for additional LCR financial information.  The Inorganic
       Chemicals segment is presented prospectively from December 1, 2004.
  (B)  Sales include sales to affiliates and intersegment sales.
  ©  Operating income for the third quarter and full year 2005 included
       charges of $195 million related to shutdown of the Lake Charles,
       Louisiana, toluene diisocyanate plant, which are excluded from
  (D)  Inorganic Chemicals operating income (loss) included impairment
       charges of $7 million and $3 million for the fourth and third
       quarters of 2005, respectively, and $15 million for 2005 that are
       excluded from EBITDA.
  (E)  See Table 9 for reconciliation of segment EBITDA to net income.

  Table 7 - Selected Segment Sales Volumes (A) (B)

                                       For the                 For the
                                  three months ended     twelve months ended
                               December 31, September 30,    December 31,
                              2005     2004      2005       2005     2004
  Ethylene, Co-Products and
   Derivatives (in millions)
  Ethylene and derivatives
   (pounds)                  2,799    2,881     2,834      11,389   11,194
    Polyethylene included
     above (pounds)          1,258    1,460     1,409       5,345    5,703
  Co-products, nonaromatic
   (pounds)                  1,953    2,029     1,899       7,749    7,942
  Aromatics (gallons)          103      105       100         412      377

  PO and Related Products
   (in millions)
  PO and derivatives (pounds)  831      885       790       3,236    3,330
    Styrene monomer (pounds)   905      997       953       3,885    3,720
    MTBE and other TBA
     derivatives (gallons)     300      289       298       1,178    1,114

  Inorganic Chemicals
   (thousand metric tons)
  TiO2                         162       45       160         618       45

  Refined products
   (thousand barrels per day)
    Gasoline                    66      119       125         104      118
    Diesel and heating oil      63       92        85          80       95
    Jet fuel                     8       17        16          13       17
    Aromatics                    8        7         7           8        8
    Other refined products      90      105        92          86       96
      Total refined products
       volumes                 235      340       325         291      334
  Refinery Runs
  Crude processing rates
   (thousand barrels per day)
    Crude Supply Agreement     146      235       212         185      237
    Other crude oil             23       26        33          32       28
      Total crude oil          169      261       245         217      265

   (A)  The EC&D data for periods prior to January 1, 2005 represent
        Equistar results on a 100% basis.  Prior to December 1, 2004,
        Equistar was accounted for as an equity investment.  The Refining
        information presented above represents the historical operating
        results of LCR on a 100% basis.  The Inorganic Chemicals segment is
        presented prospectively from December 1, 2004.
   (B)  Sales volumes include sales to affiliates and intersegment sales.

  Table 8 - Reconciliation of Segment Information to Consolidated Lyondell
  Financial Information

                              Sales and
                                other   Operating  Depreciation
                              operating  income        and         Capital
     (Millions of dollars)    revenues   (loss)    amortization expenditures

  For the three months ended
   December 31, 2005:

  Segment Data
    Ethylene, Co-Products &
     Derivatives               $3,380     $337        $102           $52
    PO & Related Products       1,645       35          58             8
    Inorganic Chemicals           355       (3)         22            21
    Other (A)                    (380)      (6)          2             3
  Total                        $5,000     $363        $184           $84

  For the twelve months ended
   December 31, 2005:

  Segment Data
    Ethylene, Co-Products &
     Derivatives              $12,191     $950        $388          $155
    PO & Related Products       6,568      316          235           36
    Inorganic Chemicals         1,360       18          98            53
    Other (A)                  (1,513)     (16)          8             5
  Total                       $18,606   $1,268        $729          $249

  For the three months ended
   September 30, 2005:

  Segment Data
    Ethylene, Co-Products &
     Derivatives               $2,988      $21         $95           $34
    PO & Related Products       1,843       65         59              6
    Inorganic Chemicals           345      (16)         26            13
    Other (A)                    (386)      (5)          2           ---
  Total                        $4,790      $65        $182           $53

  (A)  Includes elimination of intersegment transactions and items not
       allocated to segments.

  Table 9 - Reconciliation of Segment EBITDA to Net Income

                                          For the               For the
                                        three months         twelve months
                                           ended                 ended
                                 December 31,  September 30,  December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)          2005    2004     2005        2005    2004

  Segment EBITDA:
  Ethylene, Co-Products &
   Derivatives (A)               $438    $145     $116       $1,334   $145
  PO & Related Products           104      39      321           757   313
  Inorganic Chemicals (B)          26      15        3          128     15
  Other                            (3)     (3)      (1)         (5)    (3)
    Income from equity investment
     in Equistar                  ---      48      ---          ---    141
    Income (loss) from equity
     investment in LCR            (16)     95       53          123    303
    Depreciation and
     amortization                (184)   (103)    (182)        (729)  (289)
    Interest expense, net        (141)   (124)    (149)        (603)  (449)
    (Provision for) benefit from
      income taxes                (59)     (3)      54         (219)   (23)
    Intercompany profit
     elimination                  ---     (15)     ---          ---    (15)
    Purchased in process R&D      ---     (64)     ---          ---    (64)
    Charges related to toluene
     diisocyanate plant and other
     assets                        (7)     (2)    (198)        (210)    (2)
    Debt prepayment premiums and
     charges                      (17)    (12)      (7)         (45)   (18)
  Lyondell net income            $141     $16      $10         $531    $54

  Equistar EBITDA ©                    $290                         $809
    Depreciation and amortization         (79)                        (313)
    Interest expense, net                 (55)                        (220)
  Equistar net income                    $156                         $276

  Refining EBITDA (D)              $7    $193     $130         $348   $645
    Depreciation and amortization (30)    (28)     (30)        (116)  (115)
    Interest expense, net         (12)     (6)      (9)         (38)   (30)
  LCR net income (loss)          $(35)   $159      $91         $194   $500

  (A)  The EC&D segment information reflects the consolidation of Millennium
       and Equistar prospectively from December 1, 2004.  For periods prior
       to December 1, 2004, Equistar was accounted for as an equity
       investment.  See Tables 14 and 17 for additional Equistar and
       Millennium financial information, respectively.
  (B)  The Inorganic Chemicals segment information reflects the
       consolidation of Millennium prospectively from December 1, 2004.
  ©  The Equistar information presented represents the historical
       operating results of Equistar on a 100% basis.
  (D)  The Refining information presented represents the historical
       operating results of LCR on a 100% basis.  See Table 20 for
       additional LCR financial information.

  Table 10 - Lyondell Unaudited Income Statement Information (A)

                                          For the               For the
                                        three months         twelve months
                                           ended                 ended
  (Millions of dollars, except    December 31,  September 30,  December 31,
     per share data)              2005    2004      2005       2005    2004
  Sales and other operating
   revenues                     $5,000  $2,389    $4,790    $18,606  $5,946
  Cost of sales                  4,469   2,166     4,353     16,485   5,468
  Charges related to toluene
   diisocyanate plant               24    ---       195         219     ---
  Selling, general and
   administrative expenses         121     138       154        543     287
  Research and development
   expenses                         23      17        23         91      41
  Purchased in-process research
   and development                 ---      64       ---        ---      64
    Operating income               363       4        65       1,268     86
  Income from equity investment
   in Equistar                     ---      48       ---        ---     141
  Income (loss) from equity
   investment in LCR               (16)     95        53        123     303
  Income from other equity
   investments                      (1)      4         2          1       7
  Interest expense, net           (141)   (124)     (149)      (603)   (449)
  Other expense, net                (5)     (8)      (15)       (39)    (11)
    Income (loss) before income
     taxes                         200      19       (44)       750      77
  Provision for (benefit from)
   income taxes                     59       3       (54)       219      23
  Net income                      $141     $16       $10       $531     $54

  Basic earnings per share:      $0.57   $0.08     $0.04      $2.16  $0.29
  Diluted earnings per share:    $0.54   $0.08     $0.04      $2.04  $0.29

  Weighted average shares
   (in millions):
   Basic                         246.7   200.5     246.5      245.9   183.2
   Diluted                       260.3   207.7     260.4      260.0   186.0

  (A)  Results of operations include the operations of Equistar and
       Millennium prospectively from December 1, 2004.  Prior to
       December 1, 2004, Equistar was accounted for as an equity investment.

  Table 11 - Lyondell Unaudited Cash Flow Information (A)

                                           For the twelve months ended
                                                   December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                       2005             2004
  Net income                                  $531             $54
    Depreciation and amortization              729              289
    Charges related to toluene
     diisocyanate plant                        195              ---
    Income from equity investments            (124)            (451)
    Distributions of earnings from
     affiliates                                123              424
    Deferred income taxes                      143               19
    Purchased in-process research
     and development                           ---               64
    Debt prepayment charges and
     premiums                                   45               18
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
    Accounts receivable                       (156)              24
    Inventories                                (94)            (137)
    Accounts payable                           292              (11)
    Other, net                                 (92)              61
       Cash provided by operating
        activities                           1,592              354

  Expenditures for property, plant and
   equipment                                  (249)             (70)
  Distributions from affiliates in
   excess of earnings                          183               95
  Contributions and advances to
   affiliates                                 (148)             (53)
  Cash received in acquisition of
   Millennium                                  ---              367
  Cash received in acquisition of
   Equistar                                    ---               85
  Other                                          3              ---
       Cash provided by (used in)
        investing activities                  (211)             424

  Repayment of long-term debt               (1,510)            (319)
  Issuance of long-term debt                   100                4
  Dividends paid                              (222)            (127)
  Proceeds from stock option exercises          48               25
  Other                                          6                1
       Cash used in financing activities    (1,578)            (416)

  Effect of exchange rate changes on cash      (14)               4

  Increase (decrease) in cash and cash
   equivalents                               $(211)            $366

  (A)  Equistar and Millennium became wholly owned subsidiaries as of
       December 1, 2004.  Prior to December 1, 2004, Lyondell's investment
       in Equistar was accounted for on an equity basis.

  Table 12 - Lyondell Unaudited Balance Sheet Information

                                          December 31,      December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                       2005              2004
  Cash and cash equivalents                   $593              $804
  Accounts receivable, net                   1,677             1,587
  Inventories                                1,657             1,619
  Prepaid expenses and other
   current assets                              176               171
  Deferred tax assets                          131               276
    Total current assets                     4,234             4,457
  Property, plant and equipment, net         6,530             7,215
  Investments and long-term receivables:
    Investment in PO joint ventures            776               838
    Investment in and receivable from LCR      186               229
    Other investments and long-term
     receivables                               114               123
  Goodwill, net                              2,245             2,175
  Other assets, net                            856               924
    Total assets                           $14,941           $15,961

  Current maturities of long-term debt        $319              $308
  Accounts payable                           1,453             1,205
  Accrued liabilities                          797               782
    Total current liabilities                2,569             2,295
  Long-term debt                             6,117             7,555
  Other liabilities                          1,722            1,780
  Deferred income taxes                      1,488            1,477
  Minority interest                            180              181
  Stockholders' equity (247,050,234 and
   243,684,998 shares outstanding at
   December 31, 2005 and 2004,
   respectively)                             2,865            2,673
    Total liabilities and
     stockholders' equity                  $14,941          $15,961

  Table 13 - Lyondell Selected Equity Investment Activity

                                         For the three     For the twelve
                                          months ended      months ended
                                          December 31,      December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                       2005              2005
  Investment in LCR, beginning
   of period                                  $(86)             $(37)
  Lyondell's share of LCR net
   income (loss)                               (16)              123
  Cash distributions from LCR                  (42)             (303)
  Cash contributions to LCR                     54               128
  Other                                        ---                (1)
    Investment in LCR,
     end of period                            $(90)             $(90)

                                                            December 31,
  Investment in and receivable from LCR                         2005
  Investment in LCR                                             $(90)
  LCR note receivable                                            229
  LCR interest receivable                                         47
    Total                                                       $186

     Tables 13 through 22 represent additional financial information
             on a 100% basis for Equistar, Millennium and LCR.

  Table 14 - Equistar Unaudited Income Statement Information (A)

                                          For the               For the
                                       three months          twelve months
                                           ended                 ended
                                 December 31,  September 30,  December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)          2005    2004     2005        2005    2004
  Sales and other operating
   revenues (B)                 $3,258  $2,816   $2,867     $11,686  $9,316
  Cost of sales                  2,847   2,524    2,776      10,487   8,587
  Selling, general and
   administrative expenses          47      71       53         198     205
  Research and development
   expenses                          8      11        8          33      34
  Gain on asset dispositions       ---     ---      ---         ---      (4)
      Operating income             356     210       30         968     494
  Interest expense, net            (54)    (55)     (56)       (218)   (220)
  Other income (expense), net      ---       1       (2)         (2)      2
  Net (loss) income ©           $302    $156     $(28)       $748    $276

  (A)  Represents information for Equistar on a stand-alone basis and does
       not reflect purchase accounting adjustments.
  (B)  Sales and other operating revenues include sales to affiliates.
  ©  As a partnership, Equistar is not subject to federal income taxes.

  Table 15 - Equistar Unaudited Balance Sheet Information (A)

                                     December 31,       December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                  2005               2004
  Cash and cash equivalents              $215                $39
  Accounts receivable, net                924                826
  Inventories                             657                582
  Prepaid expenses and other
   current assets                          53                 43
      Total current assets              1,849              1,490
  Property, plant and equipment, net    3,063              3,167
  Investments                              58                 60
  Other assets, net                       350                357
      Total assets                     $5,320             $5,074

  Current maturities of
   long-term debt                        $150                 $1
  Accounts payable                        735                532
  Accrued liabilities                     275                273
      Total current liabilities         1,160                806
  Long-term debt                        2,161              2,312
  Other liabilities and deferred
   revenues                               416                395
  Partners' capital                     1,583              1,561
      Total liabilities and
       partners' capital               $5,320             $5,074

  (A)  Represents information for Equistar on a stand-alone basis and does
       not reflect purchase accounting adjustments.

  Table 16 - Equistar Unaudited Cash Flow Information (A)

                                       For the twelve months ended
                                               December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                  2005               2004
  Net income                             $748               $276
    Depreciation and amortization         322                313
    Deferred maintenance
     turnaround expenditures              (51)               (55)
    Gain on asset dispositions            ---                 (4)
  Changes in assets and
    Accounts receivable (B)               (96)              (216)
    Inventories                           (69)              (174)
    Accounts payable                      197                 30
    Other, net                             (4)                45
      Cash provided by operating
       activities                       1,047                215

  Expenditures for property, plant
   and equipment                         (153)              (101)
  Proceeds from sales of assets             3                 41
      Cash used in investing
       activities                        (150)               (60)

  Repayment of long-term debt              (1)               ---
  Distributions to owners                (725)              (315)
  Other                                     5                ---
      Cash used in financing activities  (721)              (315)

  Increase (decrease) in cash and
   cash equivalents                      $176              $(160)

  (A)  Represents information for Equistar on a stand-alone basis and does
       not reflect purchase accounting adjustments.
  (B)  In consideration of discounts offered to certain customers for early
       payment for product, some receivable amounts were collected in
       December 2005 and 2004 that otherwise would have been expected to be
       collected in January 2006 and 2005 of the respective years.  This
       included $84 million and $66 million from Occidental Chemical
       Corporation in December 2005 and 2004, respectively.

  Table 17 - Millennium Unaudited Income Statement Information (A) ©

                                            For the               For the
                                         three months          twelve months
                                             ended                 ended
                                   December 31,  September 30,  December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)               2005           2005           2005
  Sales and other operating
   revenues (B)                       $502           $489          $1,959
  Cost of sales                        478            448           1,715
  Selling, general and
   administrative expenses              29            77              194
  Research and development expenses      6             5               23
  Asset impairments                      7             3               15
  Combination costs                    ---             2                2
      Operating income (loss)          (18)           (46)             10
  Interest expense, net                (39)           (24)           (112)
  Other income (expense), net            3            (18)            (19)
      Loss before equity investment,
       minority interest and income
       taxes                           (54)           (88)           (121)
  Income (loss) from equity
   investment in Equistar               89             (8)            221
      Income (loss) before income
       taxes and minority interest      35            (96)            100
  Provision for (benefit from) income
   taxes                                36            (26)             67
      Income (loss) before minority
       interest                         (1)           (70)             33
  Minority interest                     (1)            (2)             (5)
  Net income (loss)                    $(2)          $(72)            $28

  (A)  Represents information for Millennium on a stand-alone basis and does
       not reflect purchase accounting adjustments.
  (B)  Sales and other operating revenues include sales to affiliates.
  ©  The fourth and third quarters and full year 2005 included
       $13 million, $39 million and $58 million, respectively, of charges
       representing revisions to Lyondell's previous estimates of expected
       future environmental remediation spending.

  Table 18 - Millennium Unaudited Balance Sheet Information (A)

                                       December 31,      December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                    2005              2004
  Cash and cash equivalents                $279              $344
  Accounts receivable, net                  361               336
  Inventories                               429               414
  Prepaid expenses and other current
   assets                                    79                61
      Total current assets                1,148             1,155
  Property, plant and equipment, net        647               707
  Investments                               464               457
  Goodwill                                  104               104
  Other assets, net                         110               107
      Total assets                       $2,473            $2,530

  Current maturities of long-term debt     $169                $7
  Accounts payable                          367               294
  Accrued liabilities                       156               153
      Total current liabilities             692               454
  Long-term debt                            966             1,398
  Other liabilities                         644               536
  Deferred income taxes                     167               164
  Minority interest                          42                33
  Stockholder's deficit
      (100,000,000 shares authorized;
       66,135,816 shares outstanding)       (38)              (55)
      Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity              $2,473            $2,530

  (A)  Represents information for Millennium on a stand-alone basis and does
       not reflect purchase accounting adjustments.

  Table 19 - Millennium Unaudited Cash Flow Information (A)

                                                       For the twelve
                                                        months ended
                                                         December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                                      2005
  Net income                                                  $28
       Asset impairments                                       15
       Depreciation and amortization                          107
       Debt prepayment charges and premiums                    11
       Deferred income taxes                                   (3)
       Income from equity investment in Equistar             (221)
       Distributions of earnings from Equistar                214
  Changes in assets and liabilities:
       Accounts receivable                                    (28)
       Inventories                                            (20)
       Accounts payable                                        77
       Other, net                                              93
            Cash provided by operating activities             273

  Expenditures for property, plant and equipment              (60)
            Cash used in investing activities                 (60)

  Repayment of long-term debt                                (372)
  Issuance of long-term debt                                  100
  Contribution from Lyondell                                    6
  Distributions to minority interests                          (6)
  Other                                                         2
            Cash used in financing activities                (270)

  Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                      (8)

  Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                      $(65)

  (A)  Represents information for Millennium on a stand-alone basis and does
       not reflect purchase accounting adjustments.

  Table 20 - LCR Unaudited Income Statement Information

                                          For the               For the
                                       three months          twelve months
                                           ended                 ended
                                 December 31,  September 30,  December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)          2005    2004     2005        2005    2004
  Sales and other operating
   revenues (A)                 $1,440  $1,564   $2,202      $6,741  $5,603
  Cost of sales                  1,446   1,385    2,091       6,458   5,028
  Selling, general and
   administrative expenses          17      14       11          51      59
       Operating income (loss)     (23)    165      100         232     516
  Interest expense, net            (12)     (6)      (9)        (38)    (30)
  Other income                     ---     ---      ---         ---      14
  Net income (loss) (B)           $(35)   $159      $91        $194    $500

  EBITDA ©                        $7    $193     $130        $348    $645

  (A)  Sales and other operating revenues include sales to affiliates.
  (B)  As a partnership, LCR is not subject to federal income taxes.
  ©  See Table 9 for reconciliation of LCR's net income to EBITDA.

  Table 21 - LCR Unaudited Balance Sheet Information

                                       December 31,     December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                    2005             2004
  Total current assets                     $418             $359
  Property, plant and equipment, net      1,328            1,227
  Other assets, net                          86               61
      Total assets                       $1,832           $1,647

  Current maturities of long-term debt       $5               $5
  Other current liabilities                 800              583
  Long-term debt                            439              443
  Loans payable to partners                 264              264
  Other liabilities                         113              112
  Partners' capital                         211              240
      Total liabilities and partners'
       capital                           $1,832           $1,647

  Table 22 - LCR Unaudited Cash Flow Information

                                         For the twelve months ended
                                                December 31,
  (Millions of dollars)                    2005             2004
  Cash flow from operations                $439             $667
  Capital expenditures                      176               71
  Depreciation and amortization             116              115

Chemicals Inc.

SOURCE: Lyondell Chemical Company; Equistar Chemicals, LP; Millennium

CONTACT: media, Susan Moore, +1-713-309-4645, or investors, Doug Pike,
+1-713-309-7141, both of Lyondell Chemical Company

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