Lyondell Announces Impress™ XLD Advanced Laundry Degreaser

HOUSTON, April 24, 2006 — Lyondell Chemical Company (NYSE:LYO) introduced a new advanced laundry degreaser designed to supplement the cleaning power of existing laundry detergents in commercial and industrial operations.

Designated Impress™ XLD, this readily biodegradable propylene glycol ether-based laundry degreaser delivers the cleaning power needed to effectively aid in the removal of grease, body oil-type stains and other oily soils from shirts, linens and uniforms.

“Commercial launderers will appreciate the way Impress XLD works over a broad temperature range, delivers maximum cleaning power and how it does not leave behind a residual odor,” says Frank Liotta, manager, new product commercialization.

Strong but gentle, Impress XLD can reduce or eliminate the launderer’s usage of alkali and sour, so they potentially will have fewer chemicals to inventory at their facilities.

Impress XLD is available through Caled Chemical. Contact your local Caled representative or call 1-800-652-2533.

The amount of Impress XLD used can vary depending on the types of soils, stains, fabrics and laundry equipment. For product usage information, call (610) 359-2211 or visit

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Impress is a trademark of Lyondell Chemical Company.

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